MRI Group Report FY2023




  • Who We Are
  • As a Corporate Group Leading Societal Change for the Future
  • Our Guiding Principles


Long-Term Vision

  • Long-Term Vision and Medium-Term Management Plan 2026


Business Models

  • Value Creation Model
  • Value Creation Model: Strengths
  • Value Creation Model: Sustainability Management


Message from the President


Business Strategies

  • Review of Previous Medium-Term Management Plans
  • Medium-Term Management Plan 2026
  • Message from Corporate Administration Unit General Manager
  • Group Structure for Advancing the Business Strategies
  • Business Unit Strategies


Key Indicators

  • Targets and Indicators for the Three Values
  • 10-year Financial Summary


Sustainability and Growth Potential

  • Human Foundation
  • Intellectual and Co-Creation Foundation
  • Social Trust Foundation


How We Address Societal Issues

  • Individual wellbeing: Digital transformation for medical and long-term care
  • Individual wellbeing: Human resources
  • Societal sustainability: Renewable energy & circular economy
  • Technology transforming society: Digital infrastructure



  • Social Trust Foundation


Company Profile